Total Awarded
2024: $230,000
2023: $200,000
2022: $161,500
2021: $100,500
2020: $ 65,000
2019: $105,000
2018: $ 49,000
The mission of Second Chance Thrift Shop is to generate funds through the sale of donated items. Generated funds are then distributed to local nonprofit organizations that assist those most in need in our community.
Community Support Award Grants are our way of disbursing these funds. In the past 30 years, Second Chance has donated almost $1 million to charities in our local community. With the support of our volunteers, donors, and shoppers, we look forward to increasing our mission's reach.
Organizations that received funding in 2024 for a total of $230,000 are listed below. To learn more about these wonderful organizations and their impact on our community, click on the name, and you will be redirected to their website.
The Ark of SC $2,500
Beyond BASIC Life Skills $2,500
Camp Rise Above $2,500
Healing Hands Clinic $2,500
Hearts For Summerville $12,500
Help of Summerville $2,500
Home Again of the Lowcountry $2,500
Kay Phillips Child Advocacy Center $2,500
Keys to Change South Carolina $45,000
Lowcountry Leap Ministry $2,500
Meals on Wheels of Summerville $50,000
If you have any questions about our Community Support Award Grants please email:

October 27, 2022: Second Chance Thrift Shop is happy to announce the 2022 Community Service Awards. Totaling $161,500.00, the Awards went to seven nonprofit organizations: Carolina Youth Development Center, Keys to Change, Doors to Freedom, FreshStart Visions, HELP of Summerville, Katie's Krops, and Meals on Wheels of Summerville. These organizations serve the Summerville community in keeping with Second Chance's mission: to raise funds to support local charities that help those most in need in our community.
Pictured left to right: Jenny Vicini, Executive Director, Keys to Change; Marty Thomas, Board of Directors, Keys to Change; Chuck Coward, Director of Development, Doors to Freedom; Tori Walters, Office Manager, HELP of Summerville; Collin Martin, Board of Directors, Meals on Wheels; Crystal Bovell, Executive Director, Meals on Wheels; Kathy Whitfield, Board of Directors, HELP of Summerville; Molly Willard, Board of Directors, Meals on Wheels; Katie Stagliano, Founder & Chief Executive Gardener, Katie’s Krops.
Not pictured: Carolina Youth Development Center, FreshStart Visions
April 2021
On August 19, 2021: Community Support Awards were presented to HELP of Summerville, Keys to Change, and Meals on Wheels of Summerville. Each organization received $25,000. These organizations assist those most in need in our community, and the money awarded to them will be put to great use. Thank you for all you do for Summerville.
Pictured left to right: Tori Walters, HELP of Summerville; Marty Thomas, Keys to Change; Mary Ann Schoch, Second Chance Thrift Shop; Bob Richards, Meals on Wheels; Julie Dugan, Second Chance Thrift Shop; Don Nye, Meals on Wheels; and Jan Hursey and Pam Geisick, Second Chance Thrift Shop.
October 2020

Board Members Judi Balding, Mary Ann Schoch, DCCO Executive Director Marty Thomas, Marsh Barrington, and Pam Giesick

Board Members Judi Balding, Mow Executivve Director Crystal Bovell, Mary Ann Schoch, POam Gieswick, and Marsh Barrington.

Describe your image

Board Members Judi Balding, Mary Ann Schoch, DCCO Executive Director Marty Thomas, Marsh Barrington, and Pam Giesick

L-R: Judi Balding, Board member Second Chance Thrift Shop; and Marty Thomas, Executive Director for Dorchester County Community Outreach (Home of Hope and Hope’s House); Connie Holmes, Board Member, and Laura Anderson, , Day Manager for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Marsha Barrington, Vice Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Judy Cranford, HELP of Summerville; Crystal Bovell, Executive Director for Meals on Wheels of Summerville; and Mary Ann Schoch, Board Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop.

Executive Director Marty Thomas accepting $6,250.00 Community Support Award for DCCO (Home of Hope and Hope's House). Board Members for Second Chance: Marsh Barrington, Judi Balding, Connie Holmes and Day Manager Laur Anderson.

Judy Cranford accepting $12,500 Community Support Award for HELP of Summerville.

L-R: Judi Balding, Board member Second Chance Thrift Shop; and Marty Thomas, Executive Director for Dorchester County Community Outreach (Home of Hope and Hope’s House); Connie Holmes, Board Member, and Laura Anderson, , Day Manager for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Marsha Barrington, Vice Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Judy Cranford, HELP of Summerville; Crystal Bovell, Executive Director for Meals on Wheels of Summerville; and Mary Ann Schoch, Board Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop.
July 2020

L-R Jan Hursey, Treasurer for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Gray Thomas, Board Chair for H.E.L.P. Of Summerville; Don Nye, Treasurer for Meals on Wheels of Summerville; Mary Ann Schoch, Board Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Joseph Friday, Board Chair for Dorchester County Community Outreach; and Marty Thomas, Executive Director for Dorchester County Community Outreach. July 15, 2020 Community Support AwardsDescribe your image

L-R Jan Hursey, Treasurer for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Gray Thomas, Board Chair for H.E.L.P. Of Summerville; Mary Ann Schoch, Board Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop

L-R Jan Hursey, Treasurer for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Joseph Friday, Board Chair for Dorchester County Community; Outreach; Marty Thomas, Executive Director for Dorchester County Community Outreach; and Mary Ann Schoch, Board Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop.

L-R Jan Hursey, Treasurer for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Gray Thomas, Board Chair for H.E.L.P. Of Summerville; Don Nye, Treasurer for Meals on Wheels of Summerville; Mary Ann Schoch, Board Chair for Second Chance Thrift Shop; Joseph Friday, Board Chair for Dorchester County Community Outreach; and Marty Thomas, Executive Director for Dorchester County Community Outreach. July 15, 2020 Community Support AwardsDescribe your image
January 2020

Janet Robinson accepting the Community Support Award for HELP of Summerville in the amount of $12,000.00. Board members Julie Dugan and Marie Mack representing Second Chance Thrift Shop. — at Second Chance Thrift Shop.

Crystal Bovell with Meals on Wheels of Summerville, accepting the Community Support award for $6,250.00. Board members Julie Dugan and Marie Mack representing Second Chance Thrift Shop. — at Second Chance Thrift Shop.

Marty Thomas with DCCO ( Home of Hope and Hope's House) accepting $6,250.00 Community Support Award. Board members Julie Dugan and Marie Mack representing Second Chance Thrift Store — at Second Chance Thrift Shop.

Janet Robinson accepting the Community Support Award for HELP of Summerville in the amount of $12,000.00. Board members Julie Dugan and Marie Mack representing Second Chance Thrift Shop. — at Second Chance Thrift Shop.